Friday, April 6, 2012

Is this racist?

I was looking over biology today, when they started talking about how the spawn of two animals like a horse and a donkey can't reproduce.

They accompanied this with pictures of a white guy, an asian woman, and a stereotypical middle-eastern man.

As the title asks, is this racist? Because I'm pretty sure this is racist.

The snippet in question.

Link to the image.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The VP of Educative Silliness.

Ah, yes. I think it is about time I talk about Mr. Roy Faletti, the Vice President of Educative Services for my school. Or, at least, the company that runs the school - "Alpha Omega Publications".

Well, it sure has been a while...

As you can probably tell, it has been at least a few weeks now since I've updated this thing. I've been quite busy, for various reasons. However, I will try harder over the next couple of days to update this as much as I possibly can. I've got too much material from the school to let it all go to waste.

Now, to think of where to start again after having been gone so long...


Friday, November 11, 2011

A peek into Health class

Today, I would like to give everyone a look into my High School Health class.

Now, normally when you think of High School Health, you think of learning about STDs and puberty, how reproduction works as well as general information on diseases and illnesses.

I won't lie, you do get that in this class...sporadically. However, a good 70% of my Health class revolved around 'Spiritual' health. That meant memorizing Scripture and answering questions about my religious beliefs.

Here is a link to a lesson. I will apologize for the graphics and problem answers being invisible, GoogleDocs simply didn't want to work with me. You can read the main lesson without downloading it, however, to view it in its hilarious full glory you will have to download it.

Here is also a link to an essay, to show how serious I am.

I'm going to repeat, these are both for 10th grade High School Health. Kids should not have to be memorizing scripture and reciting the Bible in a health class. Especially if a pair of Bible classes both already exists and taking at least one is mandatory for graduation.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Extra examples

Whoops, almost forgot to include these little nuggets of joy from some of my other lessons.

The start of madness

Well, this is my first post, and I find it only fitting to start with something big.

I think that says all I really need to about how well they understand the established principles of science.