Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Well, it sure has been a while...

As you can probably tell, it has been at least a few weeks now since I've updated this thing. I've been quite busy, for various reasons. However, I will try harder over the next couple of days to update this as much as I possibly can. I've got too much material from the school to let it all go to waste.

Now, to think of where to start again after having been gone so long...


Of course, the majour problem with uploading any of my lessons is that they only exist on my computer as '.XPS' files, which...most people cannot open, or, in my experience, have difficulty opening. I have tried converting them to PDF files, however, this ruins the images and the formatting. Of course, that doesn't mean that I don't have *any* schoolwork which I can upload successfully, but the stuff that I can will generally be projects or lessons that my younger sister saved. These will be .rtf files, so they will have little to no formatting, images, or 'quiz' portions.

So. What I will do is attempt to find nuggets of hilarity using what I know (Which isn't much, in all honesty) and give commentary on it. In the mean time, have a piece of idiocy from my younger sister's work, which pretty much states that my school not only has a religious agenda, but a political one as well.

Oh, and before you read the snippet I will be posting, keep in mind that this was supposed to be for sixth graders. This is sixth grade History.

"Democracy and religion. In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus taught us to pray to the heavenly Father, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10). God is Lord and Ruler of all. We should seek his guidance in everyday affairs here on earth. God wants us to respond to His will, not to the edicts of men. Therefore, we must seek to establish governments where men are able to be as free as possible to respond to God. We believe that this way is done best in a democratic republic.
At the same time, it is our duty as Christians to make sure the governments protect religious freedom. If not, we may have to serve men, rather than God. Even before voting, we should take an interest in the selection of good, God-fearing candidates. When it is time to vote, we shall then be better prepared to be responsible. All of us can pray for the elected leaders. Our prayers will help the Holy Spirit to guide them."

Now, this alone is about insane enough to fit an entire post. It is basically telling these sixth graders that we are a Theocracy, or that we should make America into a Theocracy. Not to mention, we should apparently *only* vote for  'good, God-fearing candidates', which, considering some of the people who run the school, means candidates who harbor the same close-minded idiocy that we hear all the time from people like this. As in, this is a school of people who would vote for Rick Santorum.

Of course, there is more insanity in the lesson itself, especially considering that it is actually a lesson on 'Communism vs Democracy'. However, this post seems to be dragging on as it is, so I will upload the lesson and if anyone wishes for me to post more about it, I will gladly do so.

To the lesson

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