Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The VP of Educative Silliness.

Ah, yes. I think it is about time I talk about Mr. Roy Faletti, the Vice President of Educative Services for my school. Or, at least, the company that runs the school - "Alpha Omega Publications".

To get straight to the point, Mr. Faletti hosts a blog on one of my school's websites, titled "School Messenger". Now, whilst he does talk about the school or schooling in general, there are quite a few posts which are nothing but inane rambling or nuggets of insanity. For example:

"I certainly believe many of the purported scientific "facts" about this issue are highly debatable. The falsely stated belief that the Himalayan glaciers would disappear by the year 2035, presented as fact by the UN Council on Climate Change, is but one example. I also believe there are underlying ideological and political issues--agendas--contained in those promoting global warming. In my opinion, these are the extremist views which are most often the ones produced by media.

Global warming aside, the Creation account in the book of Genesis clearly shows God's mandate to man as the steward of His creation. As New Testament believers anticipating the second coming of Christ, I think it is often easy for us to overlook this directive."

Now, the quote I have posted above is literally just after a small rant about gay marriage, so in that one post, we have climate-denialism and homophobia. Of course, that isn't to say that he doesn't have entire posts which are about gays and their wanting to get married. There are also a bunch of random posts which have nothing to really do with anything, such as a rant about moral relativity, rants about public schools or rants about this school and how its Christian students will lead America back to the morals set forth in the Bible or some other such silliness.

Of course, none of this would really be an issue...if it weren't an official blog for the company he works for. You see, if it were a personal blog, I would still have problems with the stupidity he believes, but he would be well within his rights to post about them there. He's doing this for his company, which is a school that teaches children. The people who read his blog are either people involved in Christian schooling or parents like mine who are homeschooling. This isn't even mentioning the obvious - He's the vice president of 'educative services' for my school. Unless I am reading this incorrectly, this means that he has some sort of effect on my curriculum.
This man, who says such wonderfully rational things as this:
"The size of your school makes no difference. Whether you have 2, 20, 200 or 2,000 students in your care, it matters little to our God! The fact that you are daily touching and molding lives in the name of Jesus Christ does! While it may appear that the "social engineers" are winning the "Civil War of Values", don't ever underestimate the effect your school is having on your community, your state, our nation, the world and ultimately, eternity. Continue to forge ahead in your ministry with confidence, knowing that we at AOP stand behind your efforts and are here to assist you in every way possible."

 He is involved with writing a curriculum for children in kindergarten all the way up to children in high school. Again, unless I'm reading it wrong.

Of course, between that and the fact that Ken Ham is actually considered a credible source on Biology to these people, I think it shows just how seriously these people take education. Don't you think?

May write more about Faletti in the future, if it ends up being something people want me to do. In the mean time, sources~

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